Monday, June 6, 2011

HeroesCon: Day 3 - Review

Insert a giant frowny face here.
It's over and I'm kinda sad (yet happy to be doing this post from the floor of my living room) - home is a nice to place to be after all.
Today, day 3, the con opened at 11 to everyone and it was rather busy.
We had a small list left to accomplish.
CT wanted a Green Lantern & HT wanted a Flash.
We did a lot of wandering on Day 3.

We stopped by Sanford Greene but he was too far behind on commissions to even do a quick sketch for HT like he did last year.

We found some neat art that caught this eye. CT asked Andy Belanger for a Batman. He said it would take about 20-30 minutes and to come back. When we did, WOW! He did a seriously amazing job! He drew Batman and filled the black in with actual painter's ink and was cool to watch. It's on of my favorite sketches. It's just so B&W. He was with a group and they have a comic series called "Kill Shakespeare". We bought a single issue and they guys signed it for us. I, personally, have not read it yet, but i plan to and hubby says the trade would be a good read.
The guy in the hat, that's Andy, who did the sketch for CT.

While walking around, we decided to make sure we saw Bill Meiggs (we saw him on twitter). HT asked for a sketch of the Hulk and he did a very nice one and rather quickly.

The boys had kind of had enough of the con by noon-ish on Day 3. We had spent more than we had wanted already so going and buying some pre-done artwork (like the stuff I wanted from Jamie Cosley) just was not in this year's budget. Tom picked up a Transformers trade and HT got another action figure (Iceman). We did one last lap around and we headed out, happily fulfilled. 

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