Thursday, April 7, 2011

Still waiting.

Sorry for not updating sooner but there isnt much to update!

4:45pm: Brought my mom down for the cath test.
5:50pm: Doctor told my dad that her coronary arteries were all clear and
8:00pm: Dad told me that there were no blockages at all that they could find but she could probably go home tomorrow  morning (4/7). She's still having chest pain and pain in her neck (front on each side of the throat). They were giving her a stomach cocktail (mylanta and some other pills) and they were gonna see what they're doing  from there.
8:40am: Mom is waiting to see a doctor and let us know when she can come home. Dad said he'd call me when they know anything.

So yeah, it's after 11:00am and we still dont know much. Owen picked out flowers for Grandma. I just dont know where to bring them - to her house so they're there when she gets there, or to the hospital to keep her happy?

For all those who have sent texts or called me... THANK YOU! It's seriously times like that that you find out who your true friends are! Again, thank you all! :)

I go pick up Hunter in a few and  sometimes between 12 & 4, the carpet cleaners are supposed to come: I've put off carpet cleaning for WAY too long. SO, if anyone wants to play, we'll need to stay outside but it's so GORGEOUS out. :)

As of 11:40, my mother keeps having the pains. So, now we're waiting on a gasto consult to see if they can run tests today or not. So we still dont know whether or not she's staying or what's actually wrong.

UPDATE 2: at 2:10 Dad called to say mom was getting an endoscopy done right now. More waiting!

UPDATE 3: at 4:20-ish Dad has informed me that Mom has a bad Hiatal Hernia and her esophagus is inflamed. Course of action is a heartburn medication. if that doesn't help, surgery may be possible. He said she'll be home after dinnertime.

Mom arrived home at 6:20pm, to her flowers and fruit picked out by Owen.She seems herself and went to the computer to look things up. I hope this is the ultimate answer to a few of her long-term issues and that there's nothing else in play.

I thank you all for your love and support.

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