Wednesday, June 15, 2011

100 Things About Me :: Motherhood

"Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love." Who could ask for anything more than motherhood? Not me!

61. My 1st son was induced at 0cm with Pitocin at 5 days late. 2nd son was induced 3+ weeks early 1st with Cervidil, then with Pitocin. My 3rd was 11 days late but came naturally.

62. We dealt with infertility with #1 and tried for a couple years to have him but needed medical intervention. #2 was natural on the 1st time trying. #3 was being prevented.

63. OC climbs into bed to cuddle a lot and I'm okay with that. I know it won't last long and he is our last.

64. I lose weight when pregnant. I lose a bunch then gain baby. I gained 11 pounds, 6 pounds and 11 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight to day before delivery. 

65. I had extreme food aversions with #1. Chicken was the worst. I still can barely eat chicken almost 8 years later. 

66. I chose to delay OC's shots of any live vaccines for 2 years. My brother was undergoing chemo and he wouldnt have been allowed near OC so I chose to wait because my family is important (OC is up-to-date on all shots/vaccines).

67.  I breastfed CT for 3+ months. Again, needed medical intervention for supply but it still dried up. HT didnt want the breast but no one told me that those born early, sometimes dont latch right away. So I had given up. With OC, I didnt even try more for convenience than anything else. I wish I had breastfed them all more if I could have. 

68.  I was excited for each kid to start preschool, for graduation of preschool, and for starting kindergarten. I didnt shed any tears yet (but I still have OC to graduate and start Kindie so we'll see). I did cry when CT's clothes no longer fit on the little hangers and I had to move all his clothes onto hangers that are the same size that hold me & Tommy's clothes. 

69. I am a complete Momma Bear and no one messes with my kidlets!

70. I think birthdays should celebrate each child so we dont buy many presents at all. Instead, we have a party per each child's request (and usually here at home) and their actually birthday is spent doing whatever they want. They can choose the zoo, or go to the pool, or play on a certain playground. They choose where they want to go to eat and what their special dessert is. When kids remember back on their birthdays, the may not remember the presents but they remember the things we did and how much they are loved. 

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